Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing?

Content comes down to the words, images, videos and other media on your website, social media, and other digital platforms.

Having a great website design may provide you with a good foundation for your online marketing, but then you still have to fill that website with great quality content. Content marketing is about writing blog articles, creating videos and images, designing and sending your email newsletter, and more.

Creating high quality web content can be time consuming and frustrating. That’s why we provide a number of options to ensure that you don’t need to worry about it. Our content marketing packages ensure that you receive regular web content that will keep your website optimised for search engines, and provide a great experience for your audience.

Website Landing Pages

A website landing page is a page that is specifically designed to bring in traffic for a particular purpose. Landing pages are important for search engine optimisation, but also for guiding visitors to your website onto the page that you actually want them to find.

Writing a landing page is a delicate balance between managing the keywords for search engine optimisation, and engaging with your audience. Your landing page content needs to inform and engage with visitors, and not just Google, Bing and other search engines.

I can help you to set up the landing pages you need to increase web traffic to your site, giving you the confidence that your message is being clearly presented to your audience.

Blog Articles

Let me throw a few statistics your way:

  • Small businesses with blogs get over 100% more lead growth than small businesses without a blog.
  • Websites with blog content, on average, have 434% more search engine-indexed pages than those who don’t publish content.
  • Over three-quarters (77%) of Internet users read blogs.
  • 61% of US consumers have made a purchase based on blog recommendations.

Are you getting the picture here? Blogging works. When implemented as a part of a content marketing strategy, it creates more pages on your website for search engines to pick up. Blogging brings more people to your website, and it builds trust with your audience.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy to churn out new articles on a regular basis, though. That’s why I love to write your blog articles for you. Allow me to write, edit, and upload content to your website on a regular basis, generating new leads and more traffic.

On top of your blog articles, we can also create email newsletters that allow you to communicate directly to your existing clients and leads. Contact me today to discuss how I can help you get great content and engage with your audience.


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