A green leather book cover with the world name "Kelara" in gold lettering


Tabletop Roleplaying
Campaign Setting

A world of deep history, and hidden mystery

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#WPW ~ The Last of My Kind

#WPW ~ The Last of My Kind

This week's post is a bit different to the others I've written, but that's kind of the point of #WritingPromptWednesday, to break up the style and to challenge myself to new and different expressions of creativity.  The prompt for this week is: Visit a location of...

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The Unforgetting: Anoumond Introductions

The Unforgetting: Anoumond Introductions

The stench of fish and sea hung in the air; and not the good kind. At Lygon Stormborn’s home in the Muzuban Isles, the breeze carried the ocean spray in and across the villages sprawled across the landscape. The breeze was rejuvenating, the seafood was fresh, and the...

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Get Your Writing Workspace Right

Get Your Writing Workspace Right

One of the most important aspects that I’ve found in getting myself into a creative space, is to ensure I have my workspace set up to foster that creativity. Of course, everyone has their own needs, but here’s some of my personal favourites in setting up my writing workspace.

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